Week 11 of my 2018 London Marathon Journey

Boom, 11.6miles in 2hours was Monday’s accomplishment after work. Just under half marathon but I’m really happy with that. 

I started the week with good intentions to do my long run on Monday and save my shorter runs for the latter part of the week as I would be in London on business and then seeing family at the weekend so thought changing my usual training schedule would be beneficial. Like with most things, the best intentions don’t always go to plan and I haven’t run since then but hey ho, it’s Christmas and I spent my evenings catching up with uni pals, eating lots of food and treating myself in Tiffany&Co and it’s been great - who thought it would be a good idea to locate a shop 2minutes from the office?! 
I received my marathon pack in the post and it’s so exciting but also so real that I will be running 26.2miles in April. Mama Luker is definitely getting into the spirit, modelling the Heads Together headband (pretty sure she’ll tell me to remove the picture of her!!). 
Currently sat on a train for the next 2.5hours to get back for my last week of work before Christmas. Everyone who knows me, knows that I don’t do public transport so this shall be fun haha. 

~ Distance clocked up this week: 11.6miles
~ Accumulative distance run so far: 132.91miles


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